I thought that the Zbrush UVs had come across fine as the texture is displayed properly in blender, but perhapse they are not assigned as UVs in blender? I have no idea about UVs in blender. Hence I am assuming my UV has issues (or blender has created a new default one in the export?. But when I drag my textures (normal and diffuse) onto the FBX mesh (which should have exported with the UVs) its like the UVs are completely different or massively messed up, we are not talking a few stray seem artifacts, but rather a complete picasso, with large sections of black on the model where the bg of the diffuse is being used.

I then put in a meta rig, rig it, weight paint, animations etc. In blender I can view my textures by pressing alt z and they look fine, and also when I render.I then hit GoZ and all goes across to blender perfectly I save a UV map (from UV master) on the low res in Zbrush and polly paint my high res and create a normal and diffuse map from it.To get information about the API that I have used for the script, Blender PyDocs will be a great help.Would love some help with this as Im probably missing something simple so here's the issue. To run the script, save the files as convertFBXtoOBJ.py and in terminal run the following command once blender is installed. Mylist = īpy.ops.wm.read_factory_settings(use_empty=True)īpy.ops.import_scene.fbx(filepath=input_file)īpy.ops.export_scene.obj(filepath=output_file,use_materials=False,check_existing=True) I only needed the mesh files, so I excluded materials.To batch convert fbx files to wavefrontObj files I wrote the following script. The installation guide that I followed is from here.Īfter converting the files into fbx format I used blender to convert the files into obj format.

To convert prefab files to fbx file format I used a Unity Package called FBX Exporter. I needed to convert prefab files to fbx format and then used blender to convert fbx files into wavefrontObj. The solution that I found is a bit lengthy.