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Sam, fearing that his use of the "F" word would make the FTC believe he'd done something wrong, explained that he used salty language to get the job done during crunch time. When they saw certain words he used in his correspondence, they would raise their eyebrows and ask, "What do you mean by this language?" The fussy FTC agents went through the highlighted portions of each page, grilling him for nine hours. To his left was a two-foot-high stack of paper, including thousands of his e-mails to employees during the making of San Andreas. In front of him were three agents of the commission. In January 2006, Sam sat down in an uncomfortable chair at FTC headquarters. Like a character in his own game, Sam had become Public Enemy Number One – except in real life it wasn't nearly so much fun. But when the FTC hauled nine Rockstar employees down to Washington, D.C., for their investigation, it changed Sam forever. This is crazy." Sam had always been a little neurotic he would probably agree with former Intel CEO Andy Grove's famous motto, "Only the paranoid survive." Worry was an essential part of his personality it helped him to get things done, allowed him to drive the various divisions within the company forward to complete deadlines. They'll garrotte us whatever we do.'Sam told Dan, "These guys are out to get us. She assured her constituents that she was calling for a full and complete investigation in order to keep "inappropriate videogame content out of the hands of young people." The Los Angeles district attorney called to obtain the Rockstar e-mails.

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By mid-July, New York senator Hillary Clinton had called for the Federal Trade Commission to look into the genesis of the game material. Take-Two asked to see all pertinent Rockstar e-mails – including all of Sam's missives – as they searched for a smoking gun that might prove the Housers had intentionally added the mini-game to spark controversy. But what's there – it's crude and embarrassing and childish, not what we as a company are about." Had we completed it, it would have been more stylish, dare I say it, more romantic, more chic, a little bit more Barry White. This was a very crude initial implementation. Sam continued, "This not how CJ would be with a girl. Everyone should see that this wasn't intentional." Dan said, "You can see the usual quality isn't there.

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